1st Demographics of the Entrepreneur Workshop – Call for Papers

We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the first Demographics of the Entrepreneur Workshop.

This 1-day workshop will bring together researchers and experts on the general topic of entrepreneur demographics. Participants will share the latest on research and data, pose challenging research questions, and foster future collaborations. This workshop’s scope ranges from academic research on entrepreneurship/self-employment with a strong demographic component to discussions of developments of new and/or innovative data products related to entrepreneurial demographics.

Researchers are encouraged to submit work related to any (but not exclusively) of the following topics:

  • Demographic group differentials in entrepreneurship performance outcomes, motivations, challenges, or opportunities
  • Potential uses of administrative records to assist enterprise surveys or the self-employed
  • New demographic data products related to entrepreneurs’ demographics

The workshop is organized by the Center for Administrative Records Research & Applications, Census Bureau in collaboration with the National Women’s Business Council at the Small Business Administration. It will take place on Thursday, September 20, 2018 at the Census Bureau in Suitland, MD.

Guide for authors

Please submit abstracts by Friday, May 4 (maximum 1000 words). While submissions of work in progress are expected and encouraged, a draft should be ready by Thursday, September 6.

Please send your submissions and questions to Adela.luque@census.gov and  Dolores.rowen@sba.gov with the text “DEMOG ENTREP” in the email subject field.

Important Dates

Deadline for abstract submission: Friday, May 4, 2018

Notification of acceptance: Friday, June 8, 2018

Deadline for paper: Thursday, September 6, 2018

Date of Workshop: Thursday, September 20, 2018

We look forward to your submissions and attendance.

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