Economist Data Webinar Series for current and prospective researchers

Economists from the Center for Economic Studies at the U.S. Census Bureau will be hosting a series of webinars about datasets that are available through the Federal Statistical Research Data Centers. Current and prospective researchers are encouraged to attend.

Please see here for more information

Thursday, Nov. 6 – The Longitudinal Foreign Trade Transaction Database

Speaker: Fariha Kamal
Time: 2-3pm ET
The Longitudinal Foreign Trade Transaction Database (LFTTD) has two components: 1)
Transaction-level export data linked to information on firms operating in the United States, and 2) Transaction-level import data linked to information on firms operating in the United States.

Thursday, Nov. 8 – The Longitudinal Business Database

Speaker: Kristin McCue
Time: 2-3pm ET
The Longitudinal Business Database (LBD) contains the universe of all U.S. business
establishments with paid employees from 1976 to 2016, with longitudinal linkages and birth and death years.

Thursday, Nov. 13 – The Census of Manufactures and Thoughts on Imputation

Speaker: Kirk White
Time: 2-3pm ET
Data for the manufacturing sector are provided for payroll, number of workers, cost of fuels, cost of electricity, energy consumed, cost of materials, purchased services, capital expenditures, depreciation, value of inventories, and value of total and product shipments.

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